Thank you for looking! I sometimes catch it but it is best to reach out. AS SHOWN IN PICTURES. Altered refractor is an authentic card with a holographic refractor overlay placed on the surface then submitted for grading. That is the reason for altered, these are not custom cards. All in person autographs were obtained by myself and are guaranteed to pass any third party authentication. Many of the cards we sell are (unbranded) ACEO art cards and have FACSIMILE AUTOGRAPHS. Facsimile signatures are not live signed but rather printed on during the production of the card. Many of the cards are’cuts’ or’cut’ cards. That is a style used to make the card during production. There is not a piece of cut uniform or any other item on the card. The acronym “ACEO” stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. They can be original art, print editions or photographs.